High School Seniors

why do i need my hair professionally done?

Getting your hair professionally done is always a good idea!  A professional cosmetologist knows how tight to make the curls or how much extra hair spray is necessary when you are going to be out in the natural elements for several hours.  That is why I provide a professional cosmetologist as part of your session.
If you would like to have your hair done in a few different styles for your Senior Session, that can be done as well.  My cosmetologist is great at this!  We will start with your hair up and take it down later in the shoot.



I loved working with Sara.  She is HILARIOUS.  I feel like I can be totally sarcastic wit her and she gets it.  We absolutely have the same sense of humor.  Sara brought two of her best friends along with her to her shoot.  They were so great to help her see her outward beauty.  Too often, seniors have a hard time seeing how stunning they actually are!  She wore her amazingly fabulous hair long and straight.  It was absolutely stunning!  She went very natural with her make-up which I adored.  And she had us in stitches from the time we got to her senior session until the time we left!  She was an absolute blast!


Lauryn is an incredible girl.  She plays the piano like a literal angel would.  So beautifully that people stopped us at the Broadmoor.  She also plays the clarinet for her high school in Parker.  She knew EXACTLY what she wanted for her senior pictures and we pulled every string to make that happen!  I loved shooting at this amazing hotel… even if it was FREEEZING cold!


Hailey has a really cool story.  She started school a year early.  (Different deadline where she was living at the time.)  A few months ago when she was finishing up her sophomore year she decided to graduate a year early.  So this girl, while only technically graduating one year early, is kinda graduating two years early!  She will be 16 ½ years old on graduation day!  Plus, she’s totally beautiful and very sweet!  I loved getting to know her and her mama… AND shooting with her Dad’s vintage car as a backdrop!


I was watching the weather SUUUUUPER closely leading up to Sierra’s shoot.  There was an 80% chance of rain… not a number I like to see.  We decided to go for it anyway (and the percentage seemed to go down a little bit as the day progressed).  It. Was. BEAUTIFUL!  Amazing sun the entire time where we were shooting… but yucky in a lot of the city.  My afternoon with Sierra was so wonderful.  She is an amazing girl inside and out.  Plus, those dimples?!  I mean, come on! 


When I put on social media that I wanted to do a few shoots at the Colorado State Fair Sarah contacted me immediately.  Now that I know her better I can see what a natural fit that was.   She is full of personality and laughter.  The best words I can think of to describe her personality are bright and infectious.  I truly fell in love with this girl and her family. 


I loved every last bit of Regan's shoot.  She is super laid back, organic, and natural and wanted to go to the Paint Mines which is THE coolest and most unique location ever!  Plus, her mama is my hubby's cousin so that was an added bonus.  And the icing on the cake is that when I was editing her pictures I noticed that she and my husband have the same color eyes.  They are oh-so-beautiful!  Regan, you are one of a kind and I absolutely ADORE you!!



For Ki's shoot we went to the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo.  It was soooo much fun!  It was also soooo hot!  She was a champ with the heat and the chaos which is the fair.  Her shoot was colorful and vibrant. 

I loved getting to know Ki.  Her future is undoubtedly bright.  She is heading off to Seton Hill University to play softball next year.  Softball is definitely her passion and seeing all of her jerseys since we was a little 4 year old was such a fun, creative way to pull her life-long love of softball into her session. 



That moment when you're standing there taking someone's senior pictures and you have a flashback to when you use to change their diapers... and it feels like yesterday!  haha!  Jay is the son of my super sweet cousin.  I also grew up with his Dad's younger brother.  We were great friends all through high school.  Doing his older sister's senior pictures last year was the icing on the cake.  Jay was lucky enough to head back to Parker to finish up high school with all of his old friends.  It's been so fun to watch him grow up. He's a lot taller than me and has a big deep voice.  When did he get so old?!  When did I get so old?!?!?!?  

nick (class of 2018)

When Nick's mom first contacted me one of the first things she asked me was, "What do I have him wear?  I don't remember the last time I saw him in anything aside from baseball clothes!"  haha!!  Now that's passion!  I think Nick cleans up real nice.  I love his hair... reminds me of my son's hair.  He was so social and super chatty during his shoot.  He didn't even seem to mind having two cameras shoved in his face for an hour!  Plus, we saw nice, fresh bear tracks!  Yay...?


Bri is so so fun!  She was the missing piece to the puzzle!  I met her parents and their younger sister at her older sister's photoshoot a few years ago.  Bri knew she wanted something different.  And we gave her just that!  She may have been a little cold at her shoot but she was a trooper.  I have loved learning all about her and her adventures.  Seriously, this girl has been a full on globe trotter!  I think maybe next time she needs to bring me along to take pictures of her at all of these killer locations!  ;)

sweet ava

Boy, did we get the run around from the weather.  Ava wanted so badly to have the beautiful sun in her pictures and the chance of rain was getting higher and higher the closer we got to the shoot.  So last minute we switched it to the morning (and when I say morning, I mean people are showing up at your home at 4:50am to start beautifying you!).  I'm SOOOO happy we did.  We have a ton of sunshine with spots of cloudy weather, which was just perfect!  Her pictures turned out so so beautiful and I just can't say it enough... morning shoots equal sunshine!  Afternoon shoots equal lots of finger crossing!  ;)


I woke up at 3:45am the morning of Preston's shoot (which started bright and early at 6:30!!) to the pitter patter of rain on my window. Normally this would be a lovely, comforting sound... but not when I'm going out for a session in a few hours!  Shortly after we got to Preston's first location the weather cleared up and we had THE most amazingly beautiful morning involving city scape, graffiti walls, metal stairs, open roads, water, old bridges... it was such a cool shoot!

audrey and hannah squared

I had a LOT of fun beating the rain with these beauties from Cheyanne Mountain High School.  They were so fun to work with and I loved their fashion choices.  They pulled off two very trendy looks that are normally both very neutral looks.  Somehow they managed to pull in color and lots of different textures as well as tons of accessories!  I really hope we get to do it again sometime.  Maybe in the snow!!


Mary is a gem.  She is tall and beautiful.  She is kind and smiles all the time.  Her shoot was super laid back... until the lightning started.  Don't worry, it was off in the distance so we were good to shoot.  We did finish her shoot in record time though.  Just before the rain began.  But, we had sunshine, wind (lots of it!), lightning, beautiful deep skies, and FLOWERS!  Our ever elusive flowers in Colorado are hard to nail down.  Mary, thank you for letting me be your photographer. Your shoot was uh-mazing!!!


I have gotten to know Allison the last several years through the Pine Creek Cheer shoots.  She is am amazing cheerleader but I am super happy for her that she decided to just take it easy and enjoy her senior year sans cheer.  (But sad for the cheer team!) Allison is amazing and sweet and loves playing with kiddos.  If the future of America is going to fall into anyone's hands, it should be hers!!  (Speaking of America, her super cool brother, Jake, is protecting our country by serving in the Marines now!  So so so proud of him!)  


Victoria is so sweet. She is a quite soul who loves to laugh, spend time with her family, and play tennis.  I loved my time with her and her darling little brother and sweet mama.  Her brother spent the entire shoot catching grasshoppers.  He knows the names of the different kinds.  He loves them.  He touches them!  His mom is a saint for letting them come into her home!!  

sarah lane {studio twelve} senior workshop

I have been lucky enough to learn from a LOT of amazing photographers like Heidi Hope, Jean Smith, Spanki Mills, Courtney Dailey, Leah Remillet, and Kelli France. This workshop with Sarah Lane (owner of Studio Twelve) was nothing less than wonderful. It was enlightening and reassuring to know that I am doing what I love. She walked me through some things I struggle with and we ended the day with a shoot with 6 Napa Valley high school seniors from her Class of 2016 Model Team.  


Brian's shoot.  Oh my gosh.   The weather that morning was super heart eyes.  Brian was a trooper and changed his clothes several times.  It was sweet watching he and Robyn (his darling mama) interact.  They obviously get along and she has a lot of respect for him.  Plus, we got to see a BEAR!!!  That's right!  A not super small black bear was running (parallel to us, thank goodness) about 150 yards away.  It was a great distance.  Pretty sure I would have scaled the nearest tree only to discover that the bear too, could scale said tree, if it had headed our way.  That's the first time I have ever seen a bear outside of captivity.  So exciting!!  

A big thank you to this guy for referring Brian over to me.  Thank you, Zach!

leah {class of 2018}

Leah was my first senior for the Class of 2018.  Her shoot was so fun! I love it when my girls want to go urban because it only happens about 10% of the time.  I also love it when I get to take pictures of a past client's sister.  Leah was fun and happy.  She was up for anything and we even finished her session at the same place we finished Sophie's!  Loved spending time with this fun-loving family again!!